Contrary to the norm of split workouts, full body training programs are also emerging nowadays in the field of fitness. The main reason behind this is due to the umpteen benefits of this training.
Also, why target different muscles in several workouts when you can target all of them in a single session.
If you want to know more about full body training and its benefits then you are at the right place. So let’s get started!
What Is Full Body Training?
As the name itself suggests, full-body training is a method that helps to train all the muscle groups of a body in a single session.
It is the opposite of the full body split training method under which your training sessions are divided according to different muscle types. Say for example you may have training sessions for chest, biceps etc.
Generally, people tend to focus on the split training method due to its wide acceptance and popularity. But in case you are a beginner in the field of weight training then full body weight training method is also great for building muscle.
The best aspect of full-body training is that it is not just for beginners but also experienced individuals in the industry. This workout can be done either alone or even as a supplement to any particular program for experienced individuals.
Different studies also show how a full body workout can help to enhance your anabolic response in just 1 session. This means you cannot just build muscle but also burn calories when you spend energy during the training.
The cherry on top is that a single training session is equivalent to 2 to 3 workouts because it targets every muscle group in just 1 session.
Practically thinking you can do full body training with at least 1 day of rest between your workouts and it would make up for your entire week’s workout.
Benefits of a Full Body Workout Plan
Full body workout program can help you to achieve multiple fitness goals like weight loss, gain strength and muscle gain etc. Here are some of the benefits that will help you to know why full-body workouts are crucial for fitness success
1. Targeting Several Muscle Groups to Help Build Muscle
Full body training sessions include compound moves that target and train the major muscle parts of your body. Targeting multiple major muscle groups helps in strength gains as well as the overall efficiency of the body.
2. Full Body Workout Program Improves Functionality
Since you target all the major muscle groups in a full-body training session, it helps to build total body strength in a quick manner. What the benefit here is that you will be improving the total body strength in a functional and athletic manner.
But make sure you do not follow a “one-size-fits-all” workout. Instead focus on a personalized routine that helps you to become a well-rounded athlete while achieving your fitness goals.
3. Full Body Workout Helps in Strength & Muscle Growth
Different studies show that muscle growth is maximum when the muscles are targeted every 48 hours.
When you do a full body training session, it helps to take this duration into account by targeting different muscle groups several times during different days per week.
If you follow a full body workout every other day, then it will stimulate different muscles in 48 hours. This, in turn, will increase your muscular physique.
4. Time Saving Technique
Since you are working on multiple muscle groups, full body workout session has a time efficient routine. You can burn more calories and target more muscles in this type of training session when compared to any other type of training.
5. Enhances Cardio Vascular Health
Full body workouts are one of the best ways to improve your cardio vascular health because they increase your heart rate while targeting different muscle groups. This can, in turn, benefit your overall fitness by increasing stamina and endurance.
Exercises to Include in Ultimate Full Body Training Program
The best full body workout session should help to target every major muscle group in your body. However your particular workout routine should be personalised according to your body requirements and goals.
Overall the major goal of the workout program is to involve compound movements that target major groups simultaneously.
Here are some of the exercises that you can include in your full body routine.
1. Deadlift
Deadlift is one of the most important movements which you can add in your full body workout routine. The aim of deadlift is to build your posterior chain and help you be healthy and injury free.
However, people may generally not be able to perform the conventional deadlift. If you are a beginner and this is the case with you, then you can try out the multiple variations of deadlift and see which one works most comfortably with you.
The most popular deadlift for the beginners is the Trap bar deadlift. This deadlift has a comparatively easier posture of an upright lifting position.
But in case you face it difficult to practice any type of deadlift, then you should connect with the trained professional who can help you to perform the appropriate variation according to your body form.
2. Devil’s Press
Devil’s Press is performed when you hold 2 dumbbells and then slowly drop down into a pressure position while lowering your chest to the ground.
Once done you have to push backwards and jump your legs towards your chest in a Swift manner. While you do so make sure that the dumbbells land between your legs.
Once you rise, use that momentum to swing the weight between your legs and overhead. Then repeat the movement by lowering the dumbbells to return to the ground.
If you want to maintain proper form and continue this effective exercise, then you can even pull the dumbbells onto the shoulders by modifying the exercise a bit.
3. Lunge Pattern for lower body
Lunges are complementary to the squat movement pattern and help to build strength in the lower body. The benefit of lunges is that they even offer balance when compared to the anterior focused movements of the squads.
You can perform Reverse Barbell Lunge to improve the power of your lower body. To begin, you have to stand with your feet together and hold a barbell across the back of your shoulders.
Once done, slowly step backward to form a lunge position while focusing on maintaining your balance and an upright chest. This will activate your core muscles and engage your lower body.
When you perform lunges, make sure to emphasize on the contraction of your hamstrings as well as the quadriceps. Repeat the movement with the other side so that you target the muscles of both legs effectively.
The main advantage of Reverse Barbell Lunges are that they are safe and more comfortable when compared to the basic forward lunge.
Moreover it targets your hamstrings and glutes more effectively and hence is a better choice for the full body workout session.
4. Squats
Squats are a very popular exercise that you may find in almost every workout routine. Just like the deadlift, squats also require a lot of mobility and are important to build efficiency for life.
Moreover, squats are also a compound exercise and hence a fundamental movement pattern. Just like lunges, one of the most popular variation of squats are the barbell back squat.
It is an advanced variation of squats and hence the beginners should not jump on to it. If you are a newbie in the field, then you can start with another variation of the squats known as the front squat.
Similar to lunges, squats are lower body exercise that will help your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves to grow. Moreover and fees are a tough exercise it will help you to burn a lot of calories.
5. Kettlebell Swings
To perform Kettlebell Swings, stand with feet slightly wider than your shoulder-width and place a kettlebell in front of you. Once done, lean slightly a bit forward to hold the handle of the kettlebell with both your hands.
Now keep your back flat and pull the weight very carefully between your legs. Make sure you move your hips forward and explosively hold the Kettlebell to your shoulder height. Also, keep your arms straight right in front of you.
When done, return to the beginning position and repeat the movement again without any pauses. The pro tip here is that you should not imitate the movements of squat.
Rather just bend your knees slightly but make sure that most of the movement of this exercise is carried out by your hips.
6. Carry Pattern
You can add the carry pattern movement to your full body workout regimen because it helps to add stability as well as functional strength.
This movement has a number of benefits like improving your overall conditioning, enhancing stability of the core and increasing the strength of your grip.
Here’s how you can perform the carry pattern. Grab a pair of dumbbells by your side and stand hip-width apart. Exercise by walking a few steps forward as you desire and then return back to your normal position.
However, two major things to focus while performing this exercise is to engage your chest and core and maintain a good posture. This exercise will even help to improve your lifts.
Thus, these are the different types of exercise that you can include in your full-body workout movement to target the major muscle groups simultaneously.
Full Body Workout Should be Kept to 1 Hour or Less
An ideal rule of thumb should be to keep your full body workout to maximum 1 hour. There are different reason for this. First of all, resistance training can affect the muscle building hormones of your body.
Other than this, compound exercises can help to enhance the testosterone levels of your body. But at the same time, strenuous and long workouts can even increase the level of the catabolic hormone of your body named cortisol.
Hence, if you want to get the best of both worlds, then it is ideal that you keep your workout routine brief but intense.
Thus, this is all you need to know about great workout split and strength training.
But make sure you replenish the glycogen stores of your body right after training. while you are performing high-intensity workouts, large amount of glycogen from your body will be used.
So replenishing right after makes sense and will help to start the recovery process. If you do not replenish your glycogen stores right after the workout, then the recovery process will be slowed and hence it will even slow your results.
You can compare this to refilling the gas tank of your car right after a long drive. Consuming a post workout shake immediately after your full body training will help you replenish the lost glycogen.
Good Luck!